18 March 2016
Washington Wolf Population Grows
Annual population counts released this week show that Washington’s wolf population is growing – great news! We’re thrilled to see this rise in overall population, number of wolf packs and number of wolf breeding pairs is coupled with a decrease in livestock-wolf conflict. This trend is possible thanks in large part to Washington’s efforts to manage wolves proactively, putting in place nonlethal conflict avoidance tools (things like strobe lights, electric fencing, range-riders, etc.) to reduce livestock-wolf conflicts before they occur. Although Washington’s growing wolf population is something to celebrate, it is still concentrated in the eastern portion of the state, remaining absent from the vast, historic habitat that exists for wolves in southern and western Washington. Defenders remains committed to partnering with local communities and landowners to continue the success we’re seeing in Washington by expanding the use of on-the-ground tools and strategies to reduce potential livestock-wolf conflict. This will be critical as the species continues to regain its historic habitat in Washington.
Oregon’s Anti-wolf Bill Becomes Law
We’re very disappointed to see that a bill legislatively removing wolves from Oregon’s state list of protected species was signed into law this week by Governor Brown. With this decision, Governor Brown has opened the floodgates for the Oregon legislature to make politically-driven decisions about the fate of Oregon’s imperiled animals. Science – not politics – should guide species listing and delisting decisions, and decisions about how to manage them! That’s why our northwest team is working closely with the state’s wolf managers as they update Oregon’s wolf management plan. If Oregon wants to continue its role in wolf recovery, the precautionary protections for wolves in the plan must remain – and that’s our top priority.
Catalina Tresky, Communications Associate
Catalina focuses on issues tied to federal/public lands, wildlife refuges and renewable energy siting, as well as those related to a myriad species throughoutsource

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