Published 13/03/2016

As I write, the world around me is soaking wet. And if this is your
birthday, as a water sign under the western zodiac, I'm afraid you could
likewise be deemed a drip.
So why not identify instead with the Native
American zodiac, where you enjoy the wonderful symbol of the wolf? It's
more appropriate to these seemingly tame shores than you might first
For these wily creatures were once so
prevalent here that the wolf symbolised strength and courage to the
native Irish. But the arriving settlers from the 16th century onwards
viewed them as evil beasts, representing all that was wrong with
Indeed, documentary evidence has uncovered
early propaganda linking the rebel Irish, the Catholic priest and the
savage wolf - and a campaign to rid Ireland of all three.
It proved all too successful, with the last
wolf here killed around 1786. This reflected a worldwide trend, with the
wolf being brutally wiped out almost everywhere people were present.
But many have begun to realise how impoverished our world is without these awesome animals.
Wolves have been reintroduced across the US,
where they have restored the balance of the ecosystem. I was lucky
enough to have one cross my path in the mid-western state of Wisconsin
some years ago.
David Attenborough has supported calls for the
reintroduction of wolves to the Scottish highlands. "They have been
demonised," he says, "but really they're gentle and very loyal
creatures, whose sole purpose is to survive and look after each other."
There has been similar talk of bringing the
wolf back to Ireland. But this would likely be a disaster. In practical
terms, we would need far more extensive wilderness areas. But the
biggest problem is our prejudice against predators.
Look at our track record regarding the
reintroduction of aerial predators such as the golden and white-tailed
eagles. There have been many incidences of poisoning and shooting - yet
no prosecutions for any of these wildlife crimes.
Perhaps people who view predators other than
ourselves as vermin should heed the words of those same so-called
primitives, the Native Americans. Like the native Irish 'savages', they
respected the wolf.
According to Cherokee legend, an old man
teaches his grandson about a fight that goes on inside each of us,
between two wolves. One wolf is full of anger, greed, arrogance and
other vices. The other possesses joy, kindness and similar virtues.
The boy asks which wolf will win. To which his grandfather replies: "The one you feed."
In this age of planetary chaos caused largely
by the destructive side of our nature, which one of those wolves will we
continue to keep from our door?

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