keskiviikko 23. maaliskuuta 2016
Wolf consensus
Number of packs is approx. 37-39 and 16 pairs. Out of these, 26-27 packs
and 14 pairs live wholly inside Finland's borders. Half of the
individuals that are part of these 10 bordering packs and pairs are
counted in Finland's population. If the bordering packs and pairs would
be counted completely in Finland's population, it would stand 230-270
According to preliminary results of the test hunt, 24 over 2-year old
(adults) and 19 under 2 yr old wolves were taken. More precise
information of the ages will be attained after Matson Institute in
Montana has done their age estimates from teeth.
Hunted and otherwise removed or dead wolves.
Red dot signifies the management hunt and if there is a black dot inside of the red one, the individual was an alpha.
Green is wolves removed with exempt permit due amount of damage and
threat individual has caused. Black dot means the individual was an
Blue is wolves removed by the orders of the police and black dot means the individual was an alpha.
Green square indicates individuals killed by vehicle collisions
Blue squares are wolves that have died of other causes.
The single red triangle indicates an incident, where hunter had to kill a wolf trying to attack him.

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