No question, wolves have a reputation problem.
after hunters decimated their numbers throughout America almost a
century ago, wolves cannot shake their starring role as shady characters
in black. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A lone wolf. The wolves of Wall
All bad, bad, bad.
decades without native wolves in California, a lone wolf crossed from
Oregon into Siskiyou County in 2012, and now the first confirmed wolf
pack is back. They made a cunning choice.
re-emergence of wolves is a welcome success story of the Endangered
Species Act. Some 2 million of them once lived on this continent, but
only a few thousand remain. Yet the oft-maligned wolf is still a
hot-button topic pitting hunters and livestock ranchers against
new California wolf pack, known as the Shasta Pack, picked friendly
territory, with protection via the state’s endangered species act. Life
has not been so friendly elsewhere of late. Oregon just enacted a state
law that not only takes the wolf off that state’s endangered species
list but limits any court intervention. Hunts in other states have
thinned the recently growing ranks.
meanwhile, has its sights set on the misnamed Sportsmen’s Heritage and
Recreational Enhancement Act, passed by the House, which would open up
hunting of wolves in the Great Lakes region, with likely expansion to
the West. It also would tie the hands of courts to intervene.
wolves are blamed for more than their fair share of damage. While
wolves do kill livestock and must be managed, the wolf is less of a
threat than coyotes and diseases.
wolf is a native predator able to keep other populations in check,
dining on mule deer, elk, bighorn sheep and coyotes. Thinning deer herds
also benefits forests, allowing them to thrive.
the number of gray wolves on the upswing in northern states, the Obama
administration attempted to remove them from the federal endangered
species list, but federal courts eventually overruled that move. The
Humane Society reports that during the three years the wolves lacked
protection in the Great Lakes region, 1,500 were slaughtered.
die from disease and weather-related causes more often than from any
predator, but ranchers must be protected, too, as the nation allows a
species to recover.
why other states and the federal government created funds to help
ranchers who lose livestock to wolves. Of course livestock aren’t the
only domestic animals at risk. Hunting dogs and pets also come into
deadly contact with wolves.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife has extensive information
online to help residents understand wolves better and stay safe. “Wild
wolves generally fear people and rarely pose a threat to human safety,”
the department’s website notes. Still, the U.S. has had two fatalities
since 2000. Then again, cows kill 20 people per year.
Department of Fish and Wildlife is well prepared to assess risk and
properly manage the re-emergence of wolves in the Golden State. It has a
good working start on developing a final plan.
Now is the time to
celebrate the successful return of native creatures that plays an
important role in maintaining ecological balance, not look for new
opportunities to slaughter them.

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