\CBC News
Posted: Dec 22, 2015 \
Ontario's largest fishing and hunting organization is
applauding a proposal by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
to help increase the wolf harvest in the northern part of the province.
(Derek Meier)
The ministry is proposing that wolves be legally hunted under a small game licence, removing the need for a game seal.
A spokesperson with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters told CBC News the move should make it easier for hunters to target the predator.
Mark Ryckman, senior wildlife biologist with
the OFAH, says Ontario hunters will require only a small game hunting
licence to hunt a wolf, but harvest will be restricted. (OFAH)
While OFAH supports the MNR proposal, as it should help control wolf predation on moose in the north, Ryckman said an annual harvest limit of two may not be enough to make an impact in areas of high wolf density.
"The idea is to create a benefit for moose populations, by reducing slightly [the] wolf populations in certain areas," he continued.
"Maintaining a two-wolf limit per hunter per year may not actually be sufficient to create a benefit for some moose populations."
But Ryckman concedes completely opening up the wolf and coyote harvest "would just look bad."
"It would seem like they (MNRF) don't care about wolves and coyotes," he said.
"That is not the case. I know they do manage them sustainably, and we support their management program in principle. There is certainly a concern about going too far."
People can give their input on the ministry's amendment to wolf and coyote hunting regulations in Northern Ontario until Jan. 18, 2016.
The MNRF says the proposed changes will not happen until 2017.
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