CTVNews.ca Staff
Published Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Published Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The outspoken singer has been a staunch opponent of the cull, travelling to B.C.'s Great Bear Rainforest in September, to raise awareness about the cause.
"We're going to yell F*** the wolf cull," Cyrus urged the stadium while holding a camera up on stage.
She filmed the audience and posted the footage online.
Cyrus also invited conservationist Ian McAllister to address her fans on Monday.
McAllister's organization, Pacific Wild, is behind an online petition that has garnered more than 200,000 signatures of people opposing the wolf cull.
"Celebrity attention is critical and Miley knows that her support base, in the tens of millions, is really paying attention to what she's saying," McAllister told CTV Vancouver.
But not everybody is a fan of Cyrus' activism.
B.C. Premier Christy Clark has previously criticised the singer for her position on the wolf cull, accusing her of not understanding the province's environmental policy.
Clark's government says the cull is necessary to help protect endangered caribou from falling prey to the wolves.
Meanwhile, a Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations proposal, submitted on Nov. 30, suggests the province relax hunting rules even further.
Hunters are currently limited to killing three wolves in the province's Peace region between Aug. 15 and June 15, and hunting is not allowed in summer months.
The ministry proposal suggests a year-round open season on hunting in the region and an end to the bag limit.
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