Several wolves in Northeast Oregon have established themselves in new areas of Known Wolf Activity according to officials with the ODF&W. 0R-30, a collared male, is roaming the Starkey, Ukiah and Mt. Emily areas mostly in Union County, and is thought to be alone. OR-35 has made his home in the Sled Springs unit in Wallowa County, and the Chesnimus wolf pack has reestablished itself in an area along the Washington border in Wallowa County. Officials want residents in those areas to be aware there are wolves in the area and to take steps to protect livestock animals. Also, members of the Shamrock pack in Wallowa County are being blamed for killing a calf that was found Tuesday in the Kuhn Ridge area. Numerous wolf tracks were found around the kill and GPS data from collared members of the pack put them in the area at the time the calf was killed.

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