Nov 27, 2015
will hold two wolf trapping classes next month, but the certificates
they give out could soon be useless. Controversy over trapping practices
has opponents pushing for a ballot initiative that would ban the
practice for commercial and recreational trapping.
here at FWP say the classes only run about four hours. In the class
students learn trapping techniques and history, but most importantly FWP
officials say the classes teach ethical trapping practices. While the
class is required for anyone who wants to trap wolves in Montana--
opponents of trapping say a class is not enough.
these wolves run through the woods this winter they face a threat from
not only hunters, but also trappers. Montana lawmakers legalized wolf
trapping back in 2012 to better control the growing population.
"From a standpoint of managing the population it has helped," said Howard Burt, FWP Wildlife Manager.
reports since trapping was implemented, population numbers are
beginning to plateau, helping to solve problems of livestock loss and
wildlife herd depletion. But before anyone can begin trapping wolves,
they must first take an FWP class to get certified.
it's intended to teach a lot of ethics. Some history about wild biology
and then a little basic trapping techniques, and those type of things,"
said Burt.
Opponents of trapping say a class is simply not enough.
opposed to trapping in general. Honestly there is no such thing as wolf
trapping. Which is part of the whole problem. It's indiscriminate,"
said K.C. York with Trap Free Montana Public Lands.
say a trap can catch a variety of animals aside from its intended
targets, leaving many animals to suffer if the trap is not checked
regularly. Which is why activists with Trap Free Montana are busy
gathering signatures for a ballot initiative that would ban the
But if outlawing the practice isn't possible, opponents are calling for policy changes.
would at least hope that they would tighten up these classes and
require like they do, with hunter education where there's field work
involved and you have to pass a test," said York.
controversy over trapping, FWP officials say it is not as harmful to
the animal as many people think. The next trapping classes will be held
in Missoula and Kalispell on December 5th. Wolf trapping season
officially starts on December 15th.

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