Medicine of The Wolf: Behind the Scenes – Director’s Selection Watch Trailer
Bonnie Riatt just tweeted about Medicine if the Wolf…

The following is Bonnie Raitt’s review of Medicine of the Wolf…
“Please check Medicine of the Wolf a film that explores the spiritual, scientific, and ecological value of wolves. The main human subject of the film, Jim Brandenburg is a renowned wildlife photographer and author who has been a powerful wolf advocate for the last 30 years. In 2011, the US government lifted the Gray Wolf’s endangered species status, and since that time, hunters have killed over 1/3 of the population that was recovering since protection brought it back from the brink of extinction in the 1990s.” -Bonnie RaittMedicine of the Wolf features, Jim Brandenburg, Teo Alfero (Founder, Wolf connection) Paula Ficara( Apex Protection Project) Wolf Scientist Dr. John Vucetich, Brooks Fahey (Predator Defense) Dr. Maureen Hackett (Howling for Wolves) Dr. Jane Goodall and many others.
More information on Medicine of the Wolf Facebook
The following is from an interview with Julia Huffman…
Julia Huffman is the director, producer and screen writer of this remarkable film about wolves. I’ve come to know Julia Huffman through her work, finding her to be a compassioniate wolf advocate. Her creative attributes drive her to look for answers as to why some humans love wolves while others hate them. To read full interview click HERE

Medicine of the Wolf poster photograph by Jim Brandenburg with artwork by Rachael Howard
Information on how you can purchase your copy of Medicine of the Wolf is at

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