16 May 2016
Conservation in the Crosshairs
Legislative proposals that assault the integrity of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and undermine conservation crop up almost everywhere you look. H.R. 2406, the so-called “Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act,” passed the House of Representatives in February. Supposedly meant to improve sporting and recreational opportunities, it was riddled with anti-environmental provisions and was a disaster for our wildlife and public lands. Now, S. 659, the “Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2016,” has been approved by the Senate Environment Committee and is waiting for consideration by the full Senate. Some of the worst provisions in the House bill also appear in this Senate version.
Similar to its House counterpart, S. 659 has quickly become a vehicle for undermining America’s bedrock conservation laws. If this legislation passes the Senate and makes it across the President’s desk, it will have devastating consequences for some of our most iconic wildlife.

Both the House and Senate bills are a nightmare for wildlife. They pander to special economic interests, block commonsense regulations, overturn Endangered Species Act protections and interfere with management of our national wildlife refuges. The House version even includes a provision that blocks efforts to crack down on the illegal ivory trade– despite the fact that an African elephant is poached every 15 minutes for its ivory tusks, pushing this treasured species closer and closer to the brink of extinction.

Stop the War on Wildlife
If H.R. 2406 passes the Senate, it will be a death sentence for wolves, elephants and other vulnerable wildlife. Help us make sure this bill never becomes law.Support our Work »

It’s frustrating to see these continual
attacks on our nation’s conservation legacy -especially when perpetrated
by our congressional leaders. This unsportsmanlike bill is just one of
many attacks. In this session of Congress alone, we have seen over 100
legislative attacks on the ESA and an inestimable number of other
anti-wildlife, anti-environmental proposals. There is so much at stake.
We must remain vigilant to ensure none of these efforts succeed.
Originally published on Huff Post Green

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