Banff wolf makes 13-day, 481-kilometre solo trek before returning to pack TY @proudvegan
Colette Derworiz, Calgary Herald
Published on: May 20, 2016
BANFF NATIONAL PARK — It’s a trek for the ages by a young male wolf in Banff National Park.
No. 1505, a member of the Fairholme pack, was one of six wolves from three different packs captured
and fitted with GPS collars last winter to monitor their movements and
get information for several research projects. They’re numbered 1501 to
At the end of March, No. 1505 left the rest of his pack around the Ya
Ha Tinda Ranch and ended up travelling about 40 kilometres north
of Nordegg, before turning around and coming right back to join his pack
in Banff National Park.
“He covered 481 kilometres over 13 days, so he averaged 37 kilometres
a day,” said Jesse Whittington, a wildlife ecologist with Banff
National Park. “I’ve always known wolves are travellers.
“It reaffirms that they travel long, long distances and the
importance of connectivity along the Rocky Mountains for animals like
wolves and grizzly bears that cover large, large areas.”
Stephen Legault, a program director with the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, said it’s important information.
“It actually made me think of Pluie, a wolf that, in part, at least,
inspired the creation of Yellowstone to Yukon; that was a champion
traveller,” he said, referring to a female wolf collared in Peter
Lougheed Provincial Park in 1991.
Pluie travelled
through more than 100,000 square kilometres and crossed two provinces,
three states, private lands and First Nations territories in one year
before being shot and killed in a legal hunt in British Columbia.
Legault said it shows the importance of ensuring landscapes are connected with wilderness for species such as wolves and bears.
“We have to think at the same scale that wildlife think at,” he said,
adding Y2Y has been working to add the Bighorn area, where No. 1505
took his journey, to the network of protected areas in the Rockies.
“Animals such as 1505 make us understand the scale at which wildlife
need to think in order to survive.”
Banff National Park wildlife ecologist Jesse Whittington holds a pair of wolf collars.Ted Rhodes /
Calgary Herald
When No. 1505 first set out on the trip, Whittington thought the young wolf was leaving Banff National Park for good.
“Wolves frequently disperse over 300 kilometres and I was just
watching to see how far he would go,” he said, noting he could have been
been legally trapped outside of the national park’s boundaries. “I was
surprised when he turned around and zoomed back to Banff.
“I don’t know for certain why he came back, but maybe he was hungry.”
The GPS data shows that he didn’t stop to feed or kill
anything along the way, so Whittington suggests he might have come back
to the Fairholme area where he could again work with his pack to find
No. 1505 is now helping his pack hunt during this year’s denning season, when wolf pups are born.
“The Bow Valley pack denned along the Bow Valley Parkway;
the Fairholme pack denned in the Fairholme between Banff and Canmore;
and the Panther-Cascade pack denned in the Panther Valley,”
explained Whittington. “We don’t do direct den observations, but it’s
based on the wolves going back to a single point on the GPS data.
“We’ll wait until the pups are seen by the public or they show up on our remote cameras to determine how many pups they have.”
Wolves in the Rockies typically have three to five pups, he said.
Heading into this year’s denning season, the Bow Valley
pack had five members (two males are collared); the Panther-Cascade pack
had five members (a male and a female are collared); and, the Fairholme
pack had at least five members (a female wolf is also collared).
The collars, which send a GPS signal to a satellite every two hours, have provided additional insight into all of the packs.
For example, the Bow Valley Pack, frequently spotted by the public
around the Banff townsite and along the Bow Valley Parkway, has a large
home range that runs from Banff to Bow Summit, along the Icefields
They’ll travel as much as 40 kilometres in a day to bring food back to the den, said Whittington.
The Panther-Cascade pack spent much of the winter travelling on
wind-swept slopes and ridges, and little time in the valley bottoms.
“That’s probably where it’s easiest travelling and also it’s very
likely they are hunting bighorn sheep,” said Whittington, noting
they’ll go out this summer to determine what the wolves are preying on
by identifying clusters of GPS points and seeing what they ate
through the hair and bones left behind.
The Fairholme area pack, which includes No. 1505, spends time between
Banff and Canmore, as well as around Lake Minnewanka and in the Ghost
Data collected as part of the research will also be used to see how the Bow Valley pack is using the Bow Valley Parkway during a spring travel ban; how much time all of the packs spend in caribou range; how they use wildlife corridors and how they prey on mountain goats.
No. 1505, a young male wolf from the Fairholme pack, on remote camera in Banff National Park.Parks Canada
In the case of No. 1505, Whittington expects the young wolf will venture out on his own again later this year.
“Typically, there’s only one breeding pair in a pack so,
if he wants to have his own pups someday, he’s got to go elsewhere,” he
“I wouldn’t be surprised if this winter he takes off again for good.”
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