ONTARIO — Two Upper Peninsula residents have been fined for wolf hunting violations in Canada.
According to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, David Ahonen of Kingsford received $3,000 in fines after pleading guilty to shooting a wolf without a license and providing false or misleading information to a conservation officer. Additionally, Kurt Huot of Ishpeming received a $750 fine after he pleaded guilty to providing false or misleading information to a conservation officer.
The charges stemmed from an incident in early November in which Ahonen shot a wolf for which he did not have a license while hunting white-tailed deer near Minaki, Ontario. He covered the wolf in brush and left to meet Huot. The pair then traveled to Kenora, where Ahonen bought a wolf license. He returned to the hunt site, tagged the wolf, and brought it out that evening.
Conservation officers contacted the two men the next day. During the course of the investigation, both men provided officers with false information about when the wolf was shot.
The case was heard in the Ontario Court of Justice in Kenora, Ontario.

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