Concern over whether hound hunters dogs caused the wound on this beautiful 80 pound male wild WI wolf (displayed in the above photograph) led me to call this into the WDNR violation hot line on Wednesday 12/03/14.
My response at first glance of this dead wolf displayed on social media sent me into, first immediate shock, next deep sadness, then spurring me then into action.
The following are the results of my calls.
Wolf killed WDNR violation hotline follow up “This animal was harvested on 12-03-14. This animal was tagged by the warden on 12-05-14. This animal was presented to the warden with the hide removed from the carcass and inspected by the warden. The carcass and hide had obvious damage caused by a gunshot wound in the left rear portion of the animal. The warden that inspected this animal saw no signs that is was killed by hounds as you suspect. The carcass was collected, per policy, and is being sent to wildlife staff for examination.” Russell T. Fell Lt. Warden Supervisor Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
The wolf’s body is being sent to wildlife staff for examination and the pelt is property of the hunter now. Either way use of dogs is still extremely controversial in my book.
This now leads me into the direction of ethical hunting. Many questions ran through my mind such as: Did the wolf suffer? Was the shot ethical hunting? Or slob hunting just to get the shot?
I learned a great deal from the warden, Russell T. Fell Lt. Warden Supervisor WDNR that any shot/shots are legal. My response was it may be legal but is it right or morally right?

(Photograph by :Tom Kuglin, Independent Record, A herd of elk stands in an agricultural field on Friday, Nov. 7, near White Gulch. Game Warden Justin Feddes reported around 30 elk killed from the herd of nearly 500 opening weekend of hunting season.)
Citations issued, ethical concerns raised over White Gulch elk hunt, article link here:http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/citations-issued-ethical-concerns-raised-over-white-gulch-elk-hunt/article_8fc2ff62-1d72-5433-868d-ceba8c71d538.html
There are many concerns these days regarding ethical hunting. In no way do I condemn ethical hunters. I’m addressing concerns relating to fridge hunters. Fringe hunters that: make a slob shots causing suffering, run their dogs on wild animals engaging them in fights resulting in suffering, and illegally killing of wildlife. These fringe hunters think it their right to do what ever they want and that’s how they earn the label of fridge hunters.
We are still actively pursuing the cause of death of the beautiful 80 pound male WI wild wolf may his rest peacefully now in a better place.

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