Wolf hunt opponents rally at DNR headquarters after target exceeded
Tim Nelson
· St. Paul, Minn.
St. Paul resident Catherine Zimmer was among more than 30 demonstrators who protested wolf hunting on Thursday.Tim Nelson / MPR News
When Minnesota's third wolf hunting season closes on Friday, its will
have added to the controversy over how hunters have trapped and killed
the animals since they were taken off the Endangered Species List in
Wolf hunting and trapping went well — so well that hunters
exceeded state goals. That led opponents of the hunt to rally against
The Department of Natural Resources announced Monday it was
closing the late wolf season in northwestern Minnesota as hunters and
trappers approached the 82-animal target from the area. But the DNR says now that 103 kills were reported.
Paul TelanderTim Nelson / MPR News "The
harvest varies by day, but in that northwest zone it varied between 6
and 12 most days," said Paul Telander, chief of the department's
wildlife section. "But in the last day, 32 animals were
registered. That was surprising. But our closure work, we initiated our
closure, and the season ended the following day, at the end of shooting
and trap tending hours."
Hunters killed 103 wolves in that part
northwestern Minnesota, 21 more than the DNR's goal. The kill in
northeast Minnesota also exceeded the state target. Hunters and trappers
took six more wolves there than the 35 animal target.
announced it is closing the third and last wolf hunt zone for 2014. East
central Minnesota has a target of nine wolves, and the DNR reported
four have already been registered. That season ends Friday.
Telander downplayed the effect of the kills above and beyond the state's target. "We
set target harvests, which is a number that we shoot for in the
harvest, but it's not an absolute quota; it's just a target," he said.
"So if we are either under or over, it's not an issue biologically for
the wolf population."
Opponents of the wolf hunt begged to differ.
of them picketed in front of the DNR headquarters on Thursday,
complaining that the fact that hunters killed more wolves than the
state's target shows that the DNR cannot effectively manage the wolf
hunt. "It's bad hunt management," said Maureen Hackett, a founder
of Howling for Wolves, a group opposed to the wolf hunt. She helped
organize the protest, which had more than 30 people demonstrating
outside the DNR headquarters. "After three years of hunting the
wolves, we could really be at the point where they're endangering them
again, or at least threatening them, because they don't know how many
wolves die outside the hunt," Hackett said. "They're basically in
unknown, uncharted territory, and they're basically experimenting with
the wolves, the Minnesota wolves, the wolves that basically saved the
species for the entire lower 48."
The debate has been raging since 2012, when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
service removed the wolf from the Endangered Species List in the western
Great Lakes area. The DNR announced a hunting and trapping season later
that year, and 413 wolves were killed.
Last year, when the
target was cut nearly in half, hunters killed 238 wolves. The agency set
a target of 250 wolves this year. Some were killed during the firearms
deer season, and the late season opened Thanksgiving weekend. That late
season had a goal of 126 wolves, but 148 have been killed so far,
prompting Thursday's protest.
Opponents called for the hunt to end, saying the DNR's own targets acknowledge a long-term decline in the wolf population.
Telander said the DNR is conducting an annual count of wolves, and that
numbers indicate that wolves are doing well, despite the hunt. He said
Minnesota has maintained the highest wolf population in the lower 48
states and the highest wolf density in North America.
According to the DNR, there are about 2,500 wolves roaming Minnesota now. "We
do have a thriving wolf population here — a very healthy population,"
Telander said. "The animals are prolific. They've done very well here in
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