What will be the fate of gray wolves in Oregon?
Today the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission meets to evaluate what level of protection is warranted as wolves continue to recover in the state. We cautioned the commission that moving too quickly to eliminate state endangered species act protections could reverse the positive trends underway in wolf restoration and recolonization.
Oregon has been one of the most progressive states for wolf recovery, showing that wolves and livestock can coexist in harmony when managed properly and when stakeholders are involved. For wolves to continue to successfully recover in Oregon, it is important that some essential protections remain in place. If the commission makes any changes at all, we have urged them to consider only downlisting the species from endangered to threatened. This would enable wolves to continue to receive the vital state protections they need, while acknowledging that wolf numbers in eastern Oregon have improved through a model of cooperation, conservation, and coexistence. If you are an Oregon resident and wish to comment, please send an email before November 9, 2015 to odfw.commission@state.or.us.

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