Saturday, August 9, 2014

Actions to take regarding the Mexicanand Red Wolves

07 Aug, 2014
Two separate efforts you can take for the most endangered subspecies of wolf – the Mexican and the Red wolf – both a petition to sign and network and comments to the U.S Fish & Wildlife service (USFWS) urgently needed. Please take this opportunity to help them.

Here is a petition in support of the red wolves with more information. Please sign and post to social networking sites and email lists:

View document up for comment by the U.S. Fish& Wildlife “service” which seems to pay little attention to the public or science so have to be overwhelmed with support for wolves:

and there is more information at this link with comments from the public here:

Sample Comments:

1. I support expanding the area in which direct releases of Mexican wolves can occur, the one critical change included in the proposed rule.
This change has been recommended by experts for over 10 years and needs to be implemented immediately. Currently, new releases are hindered because they can only happen in part of Arizona.

2. The USFWS should eliminate boundaries to the wolves movement. The draft proposed rule prevents wolves returning to northern New Mexico and southern Colorado or to the Grand Canyon region, including northern Arizona and southern Utah.
Preventing movement into northern New Mexico and southern Colorado and the Grand Canyon region, including northern Arizona and southern Utah, contradicts the best available science, which confirms that those areas are essential for Mexican wolf recovery.
Additional populations of Mexican wolves are necessary to their recovery and genetic health, as is the ability for wolves to move between populations.
Not allowing wolves outside of the Mexican Wolf Experimental Population Area will result in more captures that can result in death or trauma to the wolves. We cant afford to lose rare Mexican wolves just because they crossed an arbitrary, scientifically unsupported boundary. There should be no restrictions on the movements of Mexican wolves.

3. The USFWS should designate Mexican gray wolves as essential.
The current labeling all of the wild wolves as nonessential ignores science and the reality of 15 years of experience with reintroducing wolves.
The USFWS claims that even if all of the 83 wolves in the wild are wiped out this is not likely to appreciably reduce the likelihood of recovery of Mexican wolves in the wild is unsupported by science or common sense.
The 83 wolves in the wild have up to four generations of experience in establishing packs and raising pups and are over 22% of all of the Mexican wolves in the world.
After multiple generations of captive breeding with few releases, scientists warn that there may be serious genetic problems making captive wolves less able to thrive in the wild.
The fourth generation wild lobos are not expendable and are essential to recovering this unique subspecies of wolf.

4. The USFWS needs to quit stalling and complete a comprehensive recovery plan.
USFWS admits that their present, typewritten, 1982 recovery plan is not scientifically sound and does not meet current legal requirements yet in its proposed rule USFWS continues to emphasize a woefully inadequate population of only 100 wolves in the wild. Instead of following the best available science on recovery, the Service is chasing after what a 31-year-old inadequate plan suggested as a good first step.
Current proposals should contain no provisions that would preclude future recovery options.

5. The proposed expanded provisions for take (killing, trapping, and removals) of these critically endangered wolves are unacceptable and will not contribute to the wolves recovery.
Science-based program reviews have shown, and the USFWS has acknowledged, that the killing and permanent removal of wolves by agency managers to resolve conflicts has been a major cause of failing to meet the reintroduction objective.
The proposed rule changes offer additional excuses for removing wolves. USFWS needs to tighten restrictions for take of Mexican wolves, not loosen them.

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