Thursday, January 2, 2014

Three Wolves Escape Enclosure at Mesker Park Zoo

Evansville, IND.- Three wolves celebrated the new year by digging out of their habitat, leading zoo staff on a short chase.

Mesker Park Zoo officials say 3 out of the 4 Mexican gray wolves on site dug a hole in their enclosure about 45 minutes before closing time.

All 3 wolves that escaped were male, 1 adult and 2 younger wolves described as teenagers.

According to the Zoo, staff members observed the wolves being particuarly interested in one section of the fence. They left to report what the wolves were doing and when they came back 1 of the animals had it's head poking out of the fence.
The 2 younger wolves were reportedly easily bribed with food and returned to the habitat without incident.
However, the older wolf was a bit harder to corral. He lead staff on a short chase around the park, but officials say no visitors came into contact with the wolf.

He was eventually caught and taken back the enclosure.
Mesker Park officials said they've trained for scenarios like this, and zoo visitors were kept inside buildings or escorted out the entrance while handlers corralled the wolves.
Zoo officials say the weather may have played a factor in weakening the ground.

The attraction will be closed while the zoo adds more precautions to the habitats.

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