Find out how your House member voted HERE.
In a press release on Congressmen Ribble’s website states the following:
“At the end of the day, if a judge is allowed to overrule the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to relist a species under the Endangered Species Act, they can also overrule them to delist an animal. My amendment protects the Endangered Species Act and simply allows the decision of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the gray wolf in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wyoming to stand.”
Adrian Treves, director of the Large Carnivore Coexistence lab, weighted in on Ribble’s amendment
Treves is one of 25 scientists and researchers who recommended against wolf delisting after interpreting the data on wolf recolonization and reviewing the state’s evidence behind the proposal to delist. Our documents are available at Carnivore Coexistence Lab.
In a recent opinion editorial, Wolf delisting decision not based on the facts, Treves said the following:
“When politicians make their decisions immune to judicial review, they are saying, “We are not accountable for the public interest and the permanent wildlife trust.” Checks and balances exist to prevent tyranny.
Reclaim your legacy. The health of our wolves reflects the health of our democracy.”
Wolves are under siege by special interest hunt clubs
These special interests are a minority of fringe hunters that use propaganda to spread fear and hatred of wolves. Get the facts:
Myth: Wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, bears, and others kill lots of cattle.
Truth: Less than a quarter of one percent, 0.23%, of the American cattle inventory was lost to native carnivores and dogs in 2010, according to a Department of Agriculture report. (Source WildEarth Guardians)
There are several methods and tools used for predator deterrents.
Wisconsin’s USDA has just ordered a predator deterrent for a trial. I’ve been in contact with several WI state agencies on using predator deterrents. Progress is being made on using predator friendly farming and ranching deterrents in Wisconsin. Click here to view a video interview with WDNR Wildlife/Wolf Damage Specialist.
Wolves are not decimating the deer herds in Wisconsin.
In Wisconsin a total of 309829 deer killed in the 2015-2016 Wisconsin deer hunting season. Fringe trophy Hunters complain that wolves are killing all the deer in Wisconsin. Yet, there are well over 1.8 million deer in Wisconsin.
The state of Wisconsin proved it cannot be trusted to manage an endangered species such as the iconic wolf.
These same fringe hunters jumped the gun 2012 to legislate a trophy hunt on Wisconsin wolves that allowed the barbaric act of wolf hounding to be used in two wolf hunts. There was no regulation of training dogs on wolves, read on:
Wisconsin, quite literally, throws “dogs to the wolves.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, charged with overseeing the wolf hunt, has no rules in place that require hound handlers to report dogs injured or killed in the pursuit of wolves during a hunt. In fact, there is no monitoring or certification program whatsoever in place for the use of dogs in the wolf hunt; thus the state has little ability to hold hound hunters accountable for training or hunting violations or to prevent deadly and inhumane wolf-dog confrontations (e.g., hunters allowing dogs to overtake and kill rifle-shot wolves). These circumstances explain why Wisconsin stands alone: using dogs to hunt wolves is no better than state-sponsored dog fighting. (Source WODCW Blog)
Wisconsin citizen’s are being led by politicians, like Reid Ribble (WI-08) who use propaganda to spread fear and hatred of an iconic species. This Share Act is full of anti-wildlife and environment amendments and the U. S. Senate will more than likely kick it to the curb with the other junk bills.
Take action for wolves in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Wyoming
The Share Act will now head over to the U. S. Senate. Please contact your senator using this easy form to find out who is my U. S. Senator click Here. To call your senator: Alternatively, you may phone the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.

John E. Marriott Photography
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