Friday, June 20, 2014

Four Arctic wolf cubs nursed back to health


Four arctic wolf cubs were introduced today in an outdoor environment for the first time at Parc Safari Zoo on June 29, 2014. Born on May 6, 2014, the cubs were abandoned by their mothers and rescued by three zoologists who played the role of their mother on a full time basis. They immersed them in hot water to prevent them from catching hypothermia, gave them antibiotics and fed them with milk. Now the 6-weeks-old cubs are in perfect shape and healthy and will be shown to the Parc Safari visitors in July.

 By Anne Sutherland, THE GAZETTE June 20, 2014

HEMMINGFORD — Four Arctic wolf cubs, abandoned by their mother, were saved from certain death by three zoologists at Parc Safari this year and nursed back to health.

The wolves at the nature park have babies every year, but for some reason, the mother left her cubs this spring, which, as you may recall, was unseasonably cold.

The wolf cubs were mewling for their mother but she did not return.

The three zoologists found the pups close to freezing and placed them in warm water to raise their body temperature and gave them food and antibiotics.

The three staffers took over mothering duties for their four foundlings for the past few months, ensuring their survival.

The four little wolves were introduced to the public on Thursday.


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