Story Published:
May 17, 2011
A trail camera set up by USFWS and ODFW
captured this photo of wolves at the site of a depredation of sheep in
Baker County on April 13 at 3:05 a.m. Photo courtesy ODFW.
An uncollared young male wolf from the Imnaha pack was trapped and euthanized Tuesday morning by ODFW staff. The action occurred on private property with livestock operations, where wolves had killed livestock in late April 2011.
ODFW killed the wolf in an effort to reduce livestock depredation in the area. Despite non-lethal methods in place to prevent wolf-livestock conflict, wolves from the Imnaha pack have killed at least four domestic animals this year. The pack was also involved in livestock losses in the same area at about the same time last year.
“This action is not something that we take lightly, but it is consistent with the Wolf Conservation and Management Plan,” said Russ Morgan, ODFW wolf coordinator. “This will reduce the food requirements of the pack and discourage further use of this area [livestock operations on private lands].”
Efforts to remove a second uncollared wolf from the pack will continue.
ODFW has also issued 12 “caught in the act” permits to livestock producers in the area of the Imnaha pack. With the permits, the livestock producers may shoot a wolf they “see in the act of biting, wounding or killing livestock.” All of the permit holders are using non-lethal methods to prevent wolf-livestock conflict.
The purpose of these permits is to provide livestock producers with additional tools to protect their property. Morgan noted that the opportunity to use these permits is rare. “Wolves tend to avoid humans, so seeing one in the act is unlikely. None of the livestock producers that have lost animals to wolves so far have seen a wolf actually attacking their livestock,” he said.
“However, we want to give ranchers the ability to protect their private property should they see a wolf biting, wounding or killing their livestock.”
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