Wolf Pages

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Arrogance of Alaska Representative Don Young (video)


Alaska Rep. Don Young thinks wolves would solve homelessness

You knew it would have to happen. It’s been too long since Alaska’s congressman for life opened that big file in his brain marked “outrageous.”

It happened Thursday when Rep. Don Young suggested that releasing wolves could get rid of a congressional district’s homelessness problem. But not in a good way.

Don Young, congressman and maker of analogies.
Don Young, congressman and maker of analogies.

He made the remarks during a testy exchange with Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, the former head of REI. In a committee hearing on the Interior Department’s budget, he expressed dismay that the department makes decision without consulting the states.

Then he took a left turn, or maybe it was a right turn, into the world of wolves. He mentioned gray wolves, which he wants off the endangered species list. And he made fun of 79 members of Congress who want to protect the wolves, The Washington Post reported.

(The Post noted that folks in Young’s state can legally hunt wolves.)

The Post reported these comments by Young:

“How many of you have got wolves in your district?” he asked. “None. None. Not one.”
“They haven’t got a damn wolf in their whole district,” Young continued. “I’d like to introduce them in your district. If I introduced them in your district, you wouldn’t have a homeless problem anymore.”

Not Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal,” but, well, golly.

Young later provided an explanation on his website:

“The analogy I made today was intended to be hyperbolic, in order to stress the point that wolves are a serious problem for communities who deal with them. Anyone who’s dealt with a healthy, roaming wolf population, as we have in Alaska, understands that these predators have a detrimental impact on wildlife populations. If you misunderstood my comments, just imagine the impact a healthy wolf population would have on your own town, community, or congressional district. It would wreak havoc and place anything in their reach in great jeopardy.”

Here’s your chance to see analogy-making in all its frontier grandeur.

And he's everywhere online....  here  and here  and here  and at least a dozen other places. Now why would anyone vote this man into office? He's clearly obsessed and making an ass out of himself. 



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