Wolf Pages

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Letter: Energy, not #wolves, is biggest threat to Utah elk

Mar 21 2015
Regarding Utah sending $500,000 more to unexplained wolf delisting efforts:

Rep. Mike McKell's (R-Spanish Fork) last-minute appropriation to delist the wolf as a protected species is misguided. He wants to preserve elk for hunting and fears the wolves will reduce their numbers.

Utah's two recently spotted wolves (one of which is dead) don't present much threat to elk. Rep. McKell might do better to turn his attention to the extreme extraction on the Uinta Plateau, where elk habitat is being scraped off the surface of the earth forever to get at dirty tar sands and shale oil. Game has been abundant in this area, but cannot survive the oil extraction.

Kathryn Albury
Salt Lake City

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