Wolf Pages

Monday, February 16, 2015

New #Wolf Pack Spotted

New Wolf Pack Spotted

Read More: New Wolf Pack Spotted | http://k2radio.com/new-wolf-pack-spotted/?trackback=tsmclip
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By Associated Press February 8, 2015 
JACKSON, Wyo. (AP) — Wildlife managers have spotted what may be a new wolf pack chasing pronghorn and bighorn sheep on the National Elk Refuge in northwest Wyoming.
They speculate that the wolves seen on the refuge last month may have split off from a pack that usually roams around Grand Teton National Park.
Elk refuge biologist Eric Cole says it’s difficult to know the origin of the pack because none of the animals wore tracking collars.
Based on their color, Cole tells the Jackson Hole News & Guide (http://bit.ly/1DJBBkh) that the best guess is they likely had been members of the Huckleberry Pack, which roams the northern Teton Range.
But other wildlife managers say they could be from a pack that has been on another part of the refuge for several years.


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