Wolf Pages

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Howling for Wolves #Wolf Day 2015 Recap (Howl on, friends!)

February 5, 2015: Wolf Day at the Capitol

 The Rally
Over 200 wolf advocates gathered in Saint Paul at the Cedar Street Armory in support of Minnesota wolves and our shared efforts to protect them. We were encouraged by speakers Senator Scott Dibble and Senator Chris Eaton, and were inspired by Bemidji author Daniel J. Rice. Following the speakers, Howling For Wolves President and Founder Dr. Maureen Hackett set the stage for the afternoon, briefing a passionate crowd on the latest federal and state legislative wolf happenings.

Into Action
Following the rally, advocates congregated at the State Office Building and State Capitol to meet with their state legislators. Points of discussion included:

Support a bill to end all wolf snaring and trapping, and to end the snaring of all animals.
Snares – the most cruel method of trapping – ­are indiscriminate killers, as both wild and domestic animals can and do get caught in these wire nooses, suffering death by strangulation. Many animals, however, are merely maimed, only to die in a prolonged, painful death. It’s time for Minnesota to join more than 20 states banning the horrific practice. Addressing this issue, Senate File 592 was officially introduced and given its first reading in the Minnesota Senate.

Support for stronger requirements to obtain written permission from landowners before trapping on private property. 
We asked Minnesota to join 22 other states that have taken steps away from allowing trapping on private land without permission from the landowner. Addressing this issue, Senate File 591 was officially introduced and given its first reading in the Minnesota Senate.

Support for state and federal funding for effective, nonlethal methods for farmers and ranchers to prevent wolf/livestock conflicts. 
Nonlethal methods, such as the use of guard animals and carcass removal, can effectively reduce wolf/livestock conflicts.

Support for a five-year moratorium on the wolf hunt following delisting as the start of a smart plan to let wolves live.
Senate File 612 was officially introduced and given its first reading in the Minnesota Senate.

Thank You for Making it Happen
Our efforts at the Capitol are just the beginning. While the federal courts have stopped the recreational wolf hunt for now, we still need to make sure our fellow Minnesotans – and our legislators (state and federal)– are aware of and understand the importance of continued support for effective, science-based, and nonlethal strategies so people and wolves can coexist.

Thank you for showing up and supporting the largest and only remaining original wolf population in the lower 48 states – today, tomorrow and for future generations.

Live and Let Howl!

For more information see our Legislative Agenda on our resources' page.


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