Wolf Pages

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Stand up for #RedWolves!

Defenders of Wildlife Take Action

Stand up for Critically Endangered Red Wolves!

Red Wolf USFWS
Red wolves once roamed across the southeastern United States. Today, they are making their last stand in the scrub forests of eastern North Carolina. One of the leading causes of red wolf deaths is gun-shot mortality, including from hunters who mistake the small wolves for coyotes.
Thanks to legal action filed by Defenders and other groups, red wolves won a temporary reprieve, and coyote hunting has been halted in wolf territory. But now, FWS is under increased pressure from anti-wolf groups to walk away from recovery efforts – making it more important than ever for Americans to speak out in support of this critically endangered population. 
Tell FWS to stand up for red wolves and continue recovery efforts for this critically endangered wolf!

 Click this link to sign the petition-please, help!

Red Wolf enews

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