Wolf Pages

Monday, July 14, 2014

An Important Message from #MexicanWolves Site-please read, support, and RT!

Save the Lobo in Hon-Dah/Pinetop Aug 11 and Truth or Consequences Aug 13!

Speak Out at Public Hearings to Save the Lobo from Extinction


Sixteen years after they were reintroduced, only 83 Mexican gray wolves remain in the wild. The wild lobos have undergone dangerous genetic deterioration due to government and private shooting and trapping, along with a freeze on releases of new wolves from captivity.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has proposed changes to Mexican wolf management
—two good changes and many more that will worsen the lobo’s already-tenuous plight.

The FWS will hold public hearings on its proposal on Monday, August 11 at Hon-dah, near Pinetop, Arizona and on Wednesday, August 13 in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.  They must listen to all those speaking up for and against the lobo.

The Koch brothers, secretive anti-conservation and anti-labor billionaires, have teamed up with anti-wolf special interests to influence the government and doom the Mexican wolf.  

You and other supporters of the Mexican wolf are all that will stand between extinction and survival for these critically endangered, beautiful, intelligent animals.  Please speak up for the lobo at a hearing in August.

Hearing Dates and Locations:
Carpools will be organized for both locations. Use the link at the bottom to register for carpooling.
Arizona - August 11, 2014
Hon-Dah Conference Center
777 Highway 260, near Pinetop, AZ 85935

(3 miles outside of Pinetop at the Junction of Hwy 260 and Hwy 73)

The annual Big Lake Howliday Campout has been rescheduled for August 8-11 so that lobo supporters can go from there to the hearing at Hon-Dah. Go to www.gcwolfrecovery.org for more info.

New Mexico – August 13, 2014
Civic/Convention Center
400 W 4th Ave, Truth or Consequences, NM 87901


We will have activities and refreshments for wolf supporters at both locations starting by 2 p.m. – check back at www.mexicanwolves.org for updates as the date gets closer!

The public hearings will be held from 6-9 p.m.

A critical mass of supporters at these hearings can turn the tide for the Mexican gray wolf.  Please save the date and spread the word!

Sign up for carpools here
Click here to join our email list for Mexican gray wolf updates and action alerts.

Visit us on Facebook here.

Donate to support our work for Mexican gray wolf recovery here. 

 Contact this great organization at:

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