Wolf Pages

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Public Hearing in Pinetop About Mexican Gray Wolves

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A public hearing about the Mexican grey wolf will be held next Tuesday evening (December 3)  in Pinetop.
The US Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed to relist the Mexican gray wolf as a separate subspecies. They are also proposing to make changes to the rules governing Mexican gray wolves.
The conservation group Defenders of Wildlife says only a few of these changes will actually promote recovery of the gray wolves' gene pool.
The 75 Mexican gray wolves in New Mexico and Arizona are all descended from only seven wolves. 
Scientists say that more releases of new wolves from captivity are needed to strengthen the gene pool.
All but one public hearing on the issue were canceled because of the government shutdown. A new public hearing has been scheduled for next Tuesday (December 3) in Pinetop. It’s from 6 to 8:30pm at the Hon-Dah Conference Center.
For more information or to make a formal public comment go to www.defenders.org.

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